Colin Creel’s first book, Perspectives: A Life Guide for Twentysomethings helped younger people make decisions about life. Now, he’s written a sequel entitled Crossroads: Navigating
Category: Books
A few books we recommend. A little behind here but will soon catch up.
Battling Unbelief
Anyone serious about their faith is grieved by their sin. Not just "big" sin but the daily, seemingly insignficant small issues of the heart that
John Owen on Overcoming Sin and Temptation
I’ve always loved to read. My son is learning to love to read, too. By far some of the best days of the year in
The Intentional Church | Randy Pope
Randy Pope pastors Perimeter Church in Duluth, a relatively young congregation north of Atlanta that is also the church home of worship leader/recording artist Aaron
Andrew Beaujon | Body Piercing Saved My Life: Inside the Phenomenon of Christian Rock
Da Capo Press sent us an interesting new book written by Andrew Beaujon, who has also written for Spin Magazine, The Washington Post, and