Saving Christianity? The Corruptive Influence of Progressive “Christianity”

Dr. Michael Youssef, author of Saving Christianity? and Warren Cole Smith discuss the growing influence of the Progressive “Christian” movement corrupting evangelical churches with a recycled version of heresies first encountered in New Testament times.

Most of them… speak with both sides of their mouth. But that’s a problem. You see, there is no such thing as liberal Christianity. In fact, many times I don’t use the word liberal because to me they are heretics. To me they are apostate. If you don’t affirm the scripture as the infallible, authoritative, verbally-inspired word of God, then you are not preaching Christianity. You’re preaching something else and that is really is going to be the dividing. And we seeing it now. God has seemed to be separating the sheep from the goats and people are sitting in churches for years and they said, Oh, well wait a minute. They’re waking up. And I think the Lord is preparing the elect. He’s preparing his church. I really believe that. And as apostasy began to spread around the world, it’s not just here. .. we are seeing now the line of demarcation has become so clear and the choice is so clear.

Then watch Dr. Youssef discusses the topic on a Leading The Way television special.

A transcript of this interview is available at the Listening In website