Extravagant Worship

Grant Partrick gives a terrific message on the subject of worship at Passion City Church.

My fear is that we’ve made worship all about us. It’s that its about the songs we like and that its about the playlist we like and its about the person we like leading the song that we like. So we say, “give me this, I already listened to all of that album. Give me the next one. Give me the new song. Write a new song, worship leaders. Come on, I need more. I need more.” And we’ve made all of it about us. Worship is NOT about us.

Worship is about this: your biggest need is that your sin severed you from almighty God, and the mercy of God sent the Son of God down onto the people of God, and resurrected their lives and reconciled them TO God so that your greatest need has been accomplished. You don’t worship to get something; you worship because you’ve ALREADY gotten something. This is what worship is.