A classic worship song from the 1970’s, Chuck Girard and Love Song sing “Sometimes Alleluia” at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa in 2009.
Girard on the history of the song:
My most famous song, this was my very first worship song ever. In the early days when we first started out, we didn’t know how to say no. We thought if the phone rang, it was God, and sometimes played 2 or 3 times a day for weeks on end. Well, one weekend someone gave us the use of a cabin in a So. Calif. resort area, and a bunch of us went up for a weekend of R&R.
I’m not sure who all went, but it was wintertime, and we sat around the fireplace the first night to just worship. I had a guitar and I began to think about the different ways in which we express our heart to God. “Sometimes Alleluia. sometimes praise the Lord”, etc., and the chorus was born. I didn’t think much about it then, and basically just forgot about it.
A few years later when I was preparing to record the “Chuck Girard” album, I told my wife Karen that I wanted to put a worship song on the album. She reminded me about the little chorus we sang up at the cabin. I said “Naw..that’s too simple, I need a real song”. Duh! At the time I didn’t fully realize what a real worship song was, and wanted to write some unique kind of song about worship, I guess. Karen said, “No, I have an feeling about that song. You need to finish it”. I went to the piano and the verses were written in about 20 minutes. It came out as the final piece on the “Chuck Girard” album, and in this case, the rest truly is history.
An interesting side note is that a few years later I was introduced to the sermons of Charles Spurgeon for the first time. I was reading through a sermon, and read the line “Oh let our joy be unconfined, let us sing with freedom unrestrained”. This was a verbatim line that I had received from the Spirit when I wrote the verses of this song. You can imagine, it fairly blew me away.
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