The Greatest Need in the American Church?

We want to know:  From your perspective, what is the greatest, most crying need in the American church today?  Tell us what you think.

Next week we’ll begin to post some responses to this question from John Piper, Scotty Smith, Tim Keller, and other leaders.

2 thoughts on “The Greatest Need in the American Church?

  1. I think one of the biggest problems in American churches today is that many Christians do not live what they claim to believe.
    They sit on a pew on Sundays looking for an emotional experience and then live just like any other non-Christian during the week.
    Either they fear being seen as a ” fanatic” or they simply don’t care enough to let God change their lives.
    Sadly, materialism and personal comfort have taken God’s place in many hearts. Most American Christians prefer entertainment over following Jesus through life.

  2. the problem with american church is that when the public looks in they see “the church” and not jesus.
    the non believer craves the love that christ offers, but most are turned away by legalism and our foolish actions.
    the greatest need is daily application of the teachings of christ, and words from the pulpit that don’t espouse political rhetoric but the heartbeat for helping the sick, widowed, and downtrodden.

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